About us

About Us Here at SAJ, we pride ourselves on our traditional and elaborate gold jewellery that tells ancient stories of Indian spirituality and culture. With over 100 expert goldsmiths, we design both ready to order and custom-made jewellery for any occasion.

About SAJ

Embracing Your Golden Aura for over 120 years.

Number One Traditional Indian Jewellery Manufacturer in the World for Quality and Design.


Arulnidhi Dr. S. Easwaran, founder of SAJ, is South India's best traditional Indian jewellery designer.

Sri Annamalaiyar Jewellery

Number One

Traditional Indian Jewellery Manufacturer in the world

What Makes SAJ Special?

Sri Annamalaiyar lry crafts a wide range of traditional Indian jewellery and has been given the title of Number One Traditional Indian Jewellery Manufacturer in the world. SAJ’s masterly goldsmiths fashion elaborate and elegant ornamental jewellery using culturally significant Indian jewels and ancient scientific sculpturing.


Meaning Behind SAJ’s Jewellery

SAJ designs its jewellery to convey ancient cultural stories from the Vedas, Puranas, Epics and Shastras of India, giving an intellectually scientific meaning to each ornament, jewel, and sculpture.


What We Do In SAJ?

We specialize in manufacturing Antique Jewellery and variety of oddayanam jewellery which can be seen in the gallery. We also craft custom-made pieces as per customer request.

Some of our Work

Temple Ornaments

since 1900

SAJ Founders


C.Muthu Achary




Arulnidhi Dr. S. Easwaran


History of SAJ

In 1995, SAJ was revived by Arulnidhi Dr. S. Easwaran in honor of his family’s ancestors, the Vishwakarma Clan, who have been master craftsmen of temple sculptures, idols, ornaments, weapons and architectures for over 10,000 years. The Vishwakarma Caste itself is around 15,000 years old and is cited in many ancient texts including the Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharvana Vedas during the time periods of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Arulnidhi Dr. S. Easwaran’s grandfather, C. Muthu Acharya, designed ornaments for kings of Mysore, Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram and crafted temple idols across Tamil Nadu. The family’s artisanal skill was then passed down to his son, C.M. Srinivasan Acharya who created elegant traditional jewellery for the duration of his life.

Out of five sons, Arulnidhi Dr. S. Easwaran showed great talent which quickly led to mastery in this ancestral jewellery making trade. Now, he is known throughout South India and the world as the best traditional Indian jewellery designer. Arulnidhi Dr. S. Easwaran’s wife, Krithika Easwaran, (Managing Director) and Mr. Vomalkumar (Director) have joined this ancient and celebrated profession. SAJ designs and crafts the finest jewellery in India for customers seeking traditional and modern designs and even offers beautiful custom-made ornaments and jewellery for any occasion.

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Talent We Rely On


Krithika Easwaran




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